Degeneration Phase 1
The first stage of spinal degeneration is when there is a minor loss of normal spine balance and spinal curvature. The surrounding features of the spine such as nerves, discs and joints begin to age quicker and are continually more stressed. This stage of the degeneration process rarely is accompanied with any major pain. At this point, there is a good chance that with the proper care, you can return to normal.
Degeneration Phase 2
In the second stage of spinal degeneration, there is often narrowing of the discs and potential deformation in the bones. At this point, your posture is often beginning to degenerate. As the spinal canal, or opening begins to narrow, there are often significant aches and pains. Fatigue and stress are more common at this stage. At this stage, there is a good chance of improvement with the proper care.
Degeneration Phase 3
In the third stage of spinal degeneration, there is significant physical and mental involvement because of the level of issues such as nerve damage as well as deformation of the bones and discs. At this point, there would be a significant loss of energy and height and some reversal is possible.
Degeneration Phase 4
In the fourth stage of spinal degeneration, most damage is permanent including scar tissue, nerve damage, and deformation. At this point, the condition is irreversible and management of pain and discomfort is the best option.